
One of our representatives will happily contact you within 24 hours. For urgent needs call us at
01565 777260

Customer Testimonials

Mr and Mrs Scott-Davies - Clotton, Cheshire

The guys at Platinum Automated Entries were a genuine pleasure to work with from start to finish. They listened to what we were wanting to achieve, added some helpful suggestions that hadn’t occurred to us, and the final result has completely transformed our home.
In this day and age it’s hard to find a company who care so passionately about their craftsmanship, and we wouldn’t hesitate in recommending them.


Mr and Mrs Levenson - Hargrave, Cheshire

We are delighted with the new gates manufactured and installed by Platinum Automated Entries.
The new gates have changed the appearance of our home with many friends and neighbours having also commented on the fantastic overall transformation.